Purchase with Purchase加购优惠

We are pleased to announce that " Purchase with Purchase" starts now! Despite economic downturn, Nino Fashion come out with this idea to let all beauties remain stylish and fashionable. With a minimum purchase of RM50, u all can own bikini,leggings, slim suits with below market price!

各位美美有福了!在经济不景气的同时,为了让各位美美们还是能从头到脚,又内到外也是美美的、时尚的,Nino Fashion特意加了"加购优惠区", 让美美们可以以很优惠的价钱买到超值的配件,例如:比基尼,内搭裤袜,甚至时下流行的日本塑身衣裤。只要消费区区 50元起,就可以用加购方式把这些超值的配件带回家!!!

>RM100 :**Slim Suit 塑身衣裤**